24/7 Monitoring
We may be your silent partner, but we are omnipresent in the background for your protection and security 24/7/365.
Not at home or at work when someone tries to breach the premises? Imagine the shock intruders get when greeted with an ear-splitting siren. The instant that siren goes off, our professional, efficient ULC rated alarm monitoring station specialists are on the phone, calling to ensure your safety and contacting the proper authorities or key holders.
If you have triggered a one-touch security button on your panel for police, fire or medical help, our specialists pick up on it immediately. You are covered, without question, and help will be on its way within minutes. We offer only the best of service backed by the latest in innovative technology. We only use equipment and technology approved by the ULC.
We take security seriously, and because we do, we have five alarm monitoring systems, linked continuously. Any alarm signal or phone call may be answered by any one of the five stations nationwide. Our continuous communication system creates a redundancy network between each and all stations, and assists with high-traffic needs in the event of a disaster.
If one of the five stations is unable to handle alarm calls, operators in other stations respond immediately. Each station may stand alone if necessary and all are staffed 24/7/365.

What does this mean for you
- Savings of up to 25% on homeowner’s insurance.
- The ability to save even more money by programming one alarm system to protect several areas. You pay only one monitoring fee.
- Notification of your alarm failing to arm or disarm within a certain time.
- Notification of children arriving home from school when alarm disabled.
- Detailed alarm system logs as often as you want them.
- Communication with our monitoring stations by phone, Internet or digital cellular.
- Communication backup with Internet or digital cellular systems. A good alternative if your regular landline has been deliberately or accidentally cut, or if you are experiencing service provider maintenance downtime.
- Optional video verification or elimination of false alarms via cameras in your home or business.